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Here I am, there I go – Ici je suis, là-bas je m’en vais

in french

People have fled France seeking asylum in England for centuries, crossing the Channel under the cover of night, stowed away and at the mercy of those at the helm. Over the centuries, non-conformists, aristocrats, revolutionaries, Résistants and other victims of war, political upheaval and religious intolerance have sought protection in Great Britain. It has never been easier or faster than it is today to travel between Paris and London, and yet for some the route and the reason remains as difficult and as dangerous as it was under the Ancien Régime.

Read a description of how the project unfolded here.

View some pictures from the exhibition workshop in London here.

Here you can read some extracts from the project diary kept by the workshop convenors, Anna-Louise Milne (ULIP) and David Aftab Ansar (University of Chicago)

Anna-Louise’s “tableau de bord”

David’s journal

More information on future workshops at ULIP here.
